Housing assistance for Women*
We are a team of female social workers and social pedagogues.
We advice and support
- women* over the age of 18,
- with and without children,
- no matter their religion and nationality,
- in all of Berlin.
Do you need help?
- Are you experiencing violence at home?
- Are you looking for an apartment?
- Are you scared of loosing your apartment?
- Do you have financial problems…
- … or problems with a public office? (Jobcenter, social services, Immigration office)
- Are you looking for a job, a German-language course or a training?
- Do you have trouble understanding a letter and replying to it?
- Do you have legal questions?
- Do you have worries?
- Are you feeling alone?
Then feel free to contact us by phone Tel: 030 – 962 48 490 or email: ambulantehilfen[at]frauenprojekte-bora.de
We can support you by applying for housing assistance (BEW/WuW) in accordance with §§ 67/68 Social Security Code XII (SGB XII) at the responsible welfare office.